Rules of Sudoku

  • Each row must contain the numbers 1 through 9
  • Each column must contain the numbers 1 through 9
  • Each 3x3 block (nonet) must contain the numbers 1 through 9

How To Begin
Select a difficulty level and press the "Make Puzzle" button.
Hover your mouse cursor over any cell and type a number. In "Cells" mode, the number is entered into the selected cell as a guess towards solving the puzzle. In "Notes" mode, the number is entered as a "pencil mark" to help you keep track of possibilities. You can also toggle a "pencil mark" by left clicking on its position.


  • Toggle between "Cells" & "Notes" modes by pressing the space bar.
  • Clear a typed entry by selecting it (hover over it) and pressing the backspace key, or the 0 (zero) key.
  • Invalid guesses (i.e., guesses that violate the rules of Sudoku) are colored bright red, and the givens that invalidate them are colored dark red.
  • When "Show Hints" is enabled, your incorrect guesses will change color from blue to yellow after they age several seconds.

Known Issues

  • The difficulty setting is not working correctly. Consequently, most puzzles that are generated are "Easy."